
Struggle with the Tough 2020 Year

Record how I adjust my mindset and look forward in tough 2020. Hope the post helps me go through every frustration in the future.

This year is a tough year for both the world and me.

My trip to Japan in March was cancelled due to the crisis.

From May to August, my job applications were rejected by LINE, Shopee, MixerBox and Amazon. Also, some applications were even not replied, including Google, Rakuten Mobile, Ericsson, Trend Mirco, Appier, Wistron and Synology.

I have no idea why the situation got so frustrating. Maybe I were not well-prepared and then did not deserve those great jobs right now, or maybe the crisis did influence on the recruiting although Taiwan was not in struggle against COVID-19 (We are not necessary to wear masks in public and open area).

I really put me in huge pressure these several months, since my friends got great offers one after another, and they were able to relax and schedule their next steps in life. I was already 25 and may be married at 30. I should have a clear direction of my career in these five years.

These days I manage to take those easy. Not because I got my first job (I still have no offer), but I try to adapt and adjust my mindset. The following is something I consider to be helpful for me in the past days. In the future, as I am in the similar situation, hope these help!

  • “I’d rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right.” - Elon Musk
  • A modified article from Morris Chang
  • An interview to Jack Ma
    • Actually, I believe that most of talks from Jack Ma are also impressive as well.
  • Korean movie “The Way Home”
  • Do somethings you feel ridiculous in normal.
    • I just rode my scooter from Hsinchu to Taoyuan (about 35 Kilometers in less than one hour).

The last but not the least, thank for the support and encouragement from my Mom and my girlfriend. Without them, I cannnot go through such the hard time.

For me checking this post in the future,

"此時此刻的挫折相比於未來所能達成的成就是多麼微不足道, 害怕失去的東西相比於所擁有的是多麼渺小和不值"